Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Is she a Gold Digger?


Ok so here is the dilemma, a really good friend of mine asked me what I thought about his situation and I don't really know what to say. Here is the situation; he bought a ring for his girlfriend but while it was getting sized and he was figuring out how he would ask her, something happened. Her sister's boyfriend asked her sister to marry him. So, big deal it doesn't change what my friend wanted to do or how he feels about his girlfriend? Well even if it didn't change somethings the situation as a whole is now very different. Here is just one part, the part I am asking about for now anyway, he is afraid that he needs to change the ring. Well not need so much but... The thing is that he got a really beautiful 2(ct)/E/VVS1 center stone, but her sister's ring is a 2.75(ct) flawless. Not that he thinks his girlfriend won't say yes if the stone isn't big enough but she is the elder sister and the second to get asked, so he just isn't sure what to do. Oh and here is the other part of the conundrum, he found out that the sister kicked in to get a bigger better stone. It's not that he doesn't have the money, 'cause he does. It's just that he thinks, and I agree with him, $20,000 is more than enough to spend on a ring. He also knows that it doesn't really matter but it just seems to in his mind. Actually writing this all down it seems like a silly problem but it still is a problem at least in his mind and I am not sure what to say. Help please.

Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

His girlfriend will not even be thinking about the size or whether or not it's bigger than her sister's. Unless, of course, she's a superficial, gold-digging whore. As long as she is none of those things, he has no worries. All she will be thinking about is the happiness and excitement of marrying the man she loves. Trust me. Besides, it has always been my belief that a wedding ring can change through the years---you can add diamonds to it for representation of the children you've beared, etc.


Tat Too Tacky


I used to think tattoo's on women were cool. I just don't think they are attractive much at all. Maybe something really tiny and classy like a rose or something but other than that I don't care for them. I don't have any either. What are your thoughts on tattoo's?


Dear Anon,

Tacky. A rose is even more tacky. Cool if you live in a trailer park.


Friday, September 23, 2005

McDonald's Rant

Oh my God that was the funniest story I have ever read. Your McDonald's rant ( was absolutely hysterical! Thanks for the much needed laugh. Hope you don't mind, but I passed it on to my friends in email. I'm sure it will make the rounds through the world! It was very funny. By the way, did you see anything on the news about a hospital somewhere that's fighting to have the McDonald's establishment removed from their building? That made me smile!!!


Dear Fran,

Thank you. I wasn't really trying to be funny when I wrote it. It just sort of flowed that way. No, I did not hear about a hospital doing that, but I think that is certainly a step in the right direction.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

When and How to be Friends With an Ex

Hi Genia,

Need some help here. So I broke up with my girl this weekend. We were steady for 3 years and had decided we would get married this dec or at least get engaged. I started feeling this was too early but just kept it in the back of my mind. I dont know, but for some reason I also started feeling she was not the ONE. So when she brought this up again I told her I have my doubts and told her how I feel. She was miserable and very hurt beacuse I was not being upfront abt it. I couldn't see her like that. She would cry everyday and then I thought it would be best that I break up instead of seeing her hurt so much. I still love her but she couldnt give me any time. It was NOW or NEVER. So I broke up with her. She loves me so much that she would do anything in this world for me, but I don't know I don't feel the same. I guess I am a jerk. I still want to talk to her and be friends with her. When do you guys think is the right time to start communicating with her. She had told me never to call her. So what should I do? Where do I start? Should I start by sending her flowers this week with a "I am sorry" Note. Please give me any advice.


Dear You,

Okay, do not and I repeat DO NOT send her flowers. She will take it as a mixed message. You'll confuse her even more. Write her a letter. Tell her the truth, which should be exactly what you wrote in your question to me, but in a more sensitive way. Explain to her that you love her, but that your feelings do not match hers. You are not "in love" with her. Women appreciate honesty. Sure it might be hard for her, but I assure you, she will benefit more by truth, rather than to be dealt with through mixed messages and confusion.

Sucks to be you right now,

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Muchacha Genia will be on hiatus from:

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hots for Genia...still (after all these years)


What do you do if you're married but want to sleep with a chick that lives across country?

Horn Dog

Dear Horn Dog,

Why did you get married if you still want to sleep with me?


Thursday, January 27, 2005

"Uh, I'm not racist, but..."

Dear Muchacha Genia,

I read your Polar Express review and noticed you used the words "token black girl" when describing some of the characters in the film. Are you being sarcastic? What is your take on African Americans and slavery? I want to know. Do you think we have the right to complain about slavery?


Dear Tyrone (If that is your real name),

First of all, unless you were born in Africa and then became an American citizen, you are not "African American". This "term" is frequently misused. Your ethnicity would be African if your parents or immediate relatives were originally born in Africa.
While it is true we all come from Africa, the definition of "ethnicity" relates to nationality. Now, if I (a white woman) were born in Africa and became a naturalized citizen of the United States, I would then be African American. Hard to grasp, but true.

What is my take? Since you axed, I'll tell you. Look at all of the different races; which have prospered when faced with injustices. Explain to me why it is that your race is still fucked up? Hmmm, let's see, it must be racism, right? You ask, "Do we have the right to complain about slavery?" No. Should you forget? No. Should blacks work just as hard towards uniting one another equally by using past injustices as a platform, rather than an excuse for bad behavior and poor quality of life? Yes. Question for you: Do you hold it against every German, the atrocities, that took place in World War II? No? Do the Jews blame ever German? Are they a crime-ridden culture? No. Why should every white man be held accountable for actions of other whites? By that, I am not saying that we forget. Have you ever seen genocide? How would you compare that to slave trade? Blacks killing blacks---for land and because of religious affiliation. Hatred between brother and brother---the Hutu and the Tutsi. Heard of them? No? You should. You think you have it so bad right now in the US of A? You have no idea.

The injustices involving slavery and unconscionable acts of hatred and death at the hands of white men in America, are an embarrassment to my race and I do not disregard nor misunderstand the impact it has had on blacks in this country. However, it's time to get with the program, people! I am so tired of hearing about black people filing lawsuits in order to get money because their ancestors were slaves. Back then, it was a different country---a more primitive country. Education wasn't a priority. And most importantly, laws were different!! And let's be realistic, even if you did see any money from a lawsuit, you would just spend it on a bunch of bullshit. You'd be broke in 6 months. You know it and I know it. There is only a small percentage of blacks who are an exception to this...and guess what? They got with the program! Rodney King is a perfect example of what I am trying to convey to you. He is given 3.5 million dollars and was flat broke in less than two years! He failed to become the leader and example to other blacks that he should have become. Do you know what he became instead? He became addicted to crack! A perfect opportunity to better your life and perhaps the lives of your fellow brothers, sisters and children with $3.5 million and what did he do? He blew it. Literally.

This country is a giant circus [cue circus music "Corndog anyone?"] because we accept poor behavior and laziness as the norm. Look at all of the "rappers" in this country. Again, another example of millions of dollars, which are funneled into the hands of untalented, ungrateful, and uneducated thugs who go around killing ------> each other! It's so unreal. And by the way, anyone can walk into any public school or college and get a government funded education. Stop blaming. And, no, I'm not a racist, I've lived in the inner city. I've seen it - lived it, breathed it and I know what racism FEELS like myself.

Muchacha Genia

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Alec (The nut from the "Men Unite" post; which tells us "bitches" to "fuck off". Niiiiiice.) Writes:

Question...If rape is a sex without consent, then every person under the age of consent, who is sexually active is getting raped regardless of who are they having sex with. When two 15-16 year old teenagers having sex with each other, they are getting raped. Think about, every day teenagers rape each other and society allowes it.

Dear Alec,

That's a technicality. And you cannot spell. You say, "Question", yet I see no question marks. The laws need to be broadened in order to encompass the exact meaning of rape. What a poor argument, Alec. Really.

Alec Writes:

Is that because you were raped?

Dear Alec,

No. You offer really poor arguments and I was calling you on it. That's because.

Alec Writes:

Rape is not a pure argument. Its a serious crime. If you don't have any compasion for victims of rape, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Dear Alec,

I'm sorry I upset you so much. I know it's painful and I'm sorry for my lack of compassion towards your situation. Being that you are a victim of rape (self-projection), you must feel alone. Many people believe that rape is strictly a women's issue; therefore, the shock of the assault you have experienced may be very upsetting and difficult to accept.

Maybe this will help?

Stay strong!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Men Unite (Not Really)

Dear Genius Chick,

A few things...

Its time for men to organize and start making some changes:

1. Make DNA test mandatory.
2. Legalize weed and prostitution. Red Light District in every city. Fuck religion.
3. Change child support law. Amount of a child support for unwed fathers should not be in any shape or form connected to an income. No more 25% of income for bastard children. If it takes two tango, then each should pay half of what welfare would pay. Getting pregnant from a rich guy is a very profitable business for women and it should be stopped.
4. Change Age of Consent laws. Children should not be sexually active, period. If a child (a person under 18) has a baby, take him away and give for adoption.
5. Fuck off you dumb fucks and dumb bitches.

Dear Dick Head,

Wow, while I am copacetic with the message you are trying to convey, I must tell you---you are an idiot. Know that first and foremost.

You began to lose me with the "bastard" comment, but you completely lost me and my respect at #4.

You take "demented" to a whole new level.

*pow pow pow*,
Muchacha Genia

P.S. When and if you write to me again, have someone of intelligence proof-read your slop before you hit the "Send" button.